4 events found.
Thursday Storytime at Mitchell Public Library – Feb. 13, 10:30am
Mitchell Public Library Community Room - 221 N. Duff St. Mitchell SD 57301You're invited to a Valentine Storytime on Thursday, Feb. 13 at 10:30am with stories, songs, crafts & fun! Preschoolers, toddlers, infants, and older children are welcome with parent or caregiver. https://www.cityofmitchellsd.gov/calendar.aspx?EID=1475
DWU/Culver’s Girls & Boys High School Basketball Classic
Corn Palace - 604 North Main St Mitchell SD 57301https://www.cityofmitchellsd.gov/calendar.aspx?EID=1468
D&D Character Creation
221 N Duff St, Mitchell, SD, United States, South Dakota 57301Join us in the Community Room at 1:30pm for guidance on how to build a character using the latest 5th Edition rules for Dungeons and <a href="http://Dragons.Blank" target="_blank" title="Dragons.Blank">Dragons.Blank sheets, dice, pencils, copies of the [...]
Closed for Presidents Day
- Mitchell SD 57301https://www.cityofmitchellsd.gov/calendar.aspx?EID=1486