Dakota Oyate Challenge
Corn Palace - 604 North Main St Mitchell SD 57301https://www.cityofmitchellsd.gov/calendar.aspx?EID=1446
South Dakota Middle School All-State Jazz Band
Mitchell Performing Arts Center - 821 North Capital Street Mitchell SD 57301https://www.cityofmitchellsd.gov/calendar.aspx?EID=1467
Thursday Storytime at Mitchell Public Library – Jan. 30, 10:30am
Mitchell Public Library Community Room
- 221 N. Duff Mitchell SD 57301Come to Thursday Storytime on Jan. 30 at 10:30am for stories, songs, crafts, and fun. Preschoolers, toddlers, infants, and older children are welcome with parent or caregiver. https://www.cityofmitchellsd.gov/calendar.aspx?EID=1472
Cafe Night and Donation Drive for Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota
401 Create by LifeQuestThe LifeQuest of Mitchell, SD Sunshine Committee & 401 Create by LifeQuest are hosting a cafe night and donation drive for Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota!ALL AGES - Free music, snacks and mocktails! If [...]
Crochet Club
304 N Main St, Mitchell, SD, United States, South Dakota 57301A gathering of beginner and experienced crocheters to crochet together and make new friends over something they enjoy doing. Cost is $5 (plus tax)/week. #makerspacemitchellsd #yourshopmitchellsd #no_name_images #mitchellsd #crochetclubmitchellsdhttps://www.facebook.com/events/976395961061400/?event_time_id=976395987728064